Well done! New Zealand is now at Level 2, how amazing!!!!!

It shows the increased activity level in the Auckland rental market. We rented out 17 properties within 14 days in May!!!

Contact Uno property today if you have an empty property!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1. Routine Inspection to resume at Level 2

  • Under level 2 it is now safe to resume all routine inspections with additional levels of safe practices in place. 
  • Before attending the property, obtain confirmation that the tenants have not been unwell with flu like symptoms, self-isolating or been in contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19 within the previous 14 days.  Do not attend the property if this confirmation cannot be obtained
  • It is a good idea to email your insurance company to advise them that your inspection will not be completed within the regular schedule. Having a paper trail may be beneficial and is prudent in the current climate.
  • Ensure you take comprehensive file notes explaining why the inspection is rescheduled
  • Reschedule the inspection as soon as possible after health clearances

2.Rent Increase Freeze – an update

From 26th March all rent increases were frozen for 6 months. Rent increases issued but not yet taken effect were cancelled and no rent increases could be issued for the duration of the period. 

Lastly, the government has reserved the right to further extend the rent increase freeze and will announce that closer to the initial period expiring. 

3.Giving notice to end a tenancy

The ability to give tenants notice to vacate the property (either by ending the fixed term tenancy or by a 42 or 90 day notice) was removed on 26th March for an initial 3 month period. This means that they are not able to issue tenants with any notices to leave the property until 26th June. All termination notices are still subject to existing notice requirements (e.g 42 days for owner to move in etc).

Tenants are still able to end a fixed term or periodic lease by giving at least 21 days’ notice.未命名_meitu_1


4.Watercare is reading water meters.

Great news! We have since been informed that Watercare has been able to read most water meters throughout level 3 and will continue to operate in level 2. 

5.Water restrictions are coming.

As you may have seen in the media, Auckland is experiencing a severe drought. To help curb usage, residential water users will not be able to use outdoor hoses or water blast their properties. Watercare also asks that all Aucklanders reduce their water consumption inside the home by 20L per day. Some helpful tips which we are also communicating to your tenants;

  • Turn off the tap when you brush your teeth: save around 4 litres a day.
  • Fix a leaking tap: save around 33 litres a day.
  • Do one less load of laundry a week: save around 17 litres a day.
  • Think twice about flushing the toilet. Press the half flush when possible and save 6 litres each time.

Want more information, follow this link.



6.Financial support for rates – Auckland council.Auckland Council are offering some flexibility with payments with evidence of financial hardship. More here,


7.Lastly, how does this affect work at Uno Property Management?We are (almost) back to business as usual just with strict hygiene practises, contact tracing and following the Health & Safety Practices provided.

  •   Viewings – We can increase the amount of people at each viewing, to help get more people through properties and rent them faster.
  •   Maintenance & Repairs – We can resume non-urgent maintenance and support our tradesman to get back to work.
  •   Routine property inspections will resume as normal, although we have a bit of catching up to do (more on this below).
  •   Our office is open! Contact us for anything you need help with on your investment property TODAY!!

